The One Thing Podcast

Welcome to The One Thing – a podcast designed to give you one solid, practical tip for Gospel-centred ministry, every week. Scott Sanders is the Executive Director of Reach Australia, aiming to grow thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches. Derek Hanna leads the Australian church planting network that’s been starting fresh works for the Kingdom for the past 10 years. Together they’ll tell you what you need to know about a crucial ministry topic that’s relevant to your context – all in 15 minutes. Be energised and equipped for ministry.

Latest Episodes:

The One Thing 320 Why Migrants Are Good For Your Church

For centuries, Christians have dispatched missionaries to far-flung regions, carrying the gospel to those who have yet to hear it. Australia, too, has been a[...]

The One Thing 319 When Your Church Has 30 Different Cultures

In August 2021: there were 3.0 million permanent migrants in Australia who arrived since 2000 India was the top country of birth among permanent migrants[...]

The One Thing 318 The Next 5 Places Churches Need to Be Planted

Looking at planting a church, or supporting a church plant, but not sure where? Here is a list of the places we need to plant[...]

The One Thing 317 The 5 Books Everyone Needs to Read About Church Planting

Can we learn anything from church planting books or should we just get on with ministry and just plant churches? SHOW NOTES: Derek’s top 5:[...]

The One Thing 316 How Do I Create a Culture of Trust In My Team?

5 Dysfunctions of a Team is a great tool from business guru Patrick Lencioni. This has been used as a tool in our new team[...]

The One Thing 315 How Do I Organise My Preaching Program for the Year?

It’s the time of year where we need to start planning 2024! Derek talks to Des Smith from Trinity Church Lockleys about how to plan[...]

The One Thing 314 How Your Identity Issues Could Undermine Your Leadership

We all have identity issues and it has become the hot topic around the place at the moment. But how does it affect gospel workers[...]

The One Thing 313 What Should I Be Thinking About In Term Four?

Term 4 is not the time to slow down, we have great opportunities in events like Christmas but also planning for 2024. Make sure you[...]

The One Thing 312 How Can I Get Helpful Professional Support For People Needing Care in My Church?

“Referring people on to experts is an act of love”. Lauren Errington is asked about when is it a good time for someone to see[...]

The One Thing 311 How Can My Help Get in The Way of Caring?

Pastors what to help people, but when does this desire get the way of actually helping people? Lauren Errington from the Family Systems Institute addresses[...]

The One Thing 310 How Do I Rest? Seven Types of Rest

What is 'rest'? In our last episode we saw that rest was more than sleep and not working. Derek and Scott look at the work[...]

The One Thing 309 How Do I Rest? Three Myths About Rest and Ministry

Is the reason that gospel workers are tired because they don’t understand what rest is? Derek and Scott discuss three myths of rest: Myth #1:[...]