Partner with us to reach
Australia for Christ

1 in 2 Australians don’t know anything about their local church, let alone know Jesus. We need gospel-motivated generosity to equip our pastors and planters to see churches reaching more people for Christ. Will you give today?

Partner with us to reach
Australia for Christ

Together we can see healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches across Australia. Will you join us in reaching Australia for Christ?

Equip pastors and planters to lead churches that are reaching more people for Christ

Please give prayerfully as you decide how to partner with these ministries today.

    • $50 helps produce resources pastors can always go back to with wisdom and tools on tricky topics.

    • $120 covers the cost to provide insights to help churches reach their local community for Christ through in-depth research.
    • $500 covers a woman in ministry for a month of professional development so she’s better equipped to lead in her church.

    • $1,500 covers a church planting couple for a pre-launch bootcamp to help them think strategically about reaching their local community.
    • $5,500 covers a senior minister for a year of the development program where they receive a data-based church consult, coaching and intensive biblical and practical skills training so they can better lead and care for their church.

Your partnership is
part of the story

The local church is God’s chosen vessel for his life-giving gospel. Yet, 56% of Australians say they don’t know anything about their local church. In the face of these challenges, church leaders are working harder than ever, but many of them report feeling insufficiently trained for the task.

The Reach Australia Network pulls together church leaders across the country to equip one another to see our nation won for Christ. Your partnership through prayer and giving facilitates training, coaching and support and it’s changing the story of the Australian church. Together, under God, we can see thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches. 

God uses his people to provide for his kingdom work. If you want to see the difference your generosity is making you can read our Impact Report.

We thank God for you, in your faithful and generous partnership. We’re working and praying with you to see more people in a saving relationship with Jesus. 

Hear from one of our church planters

“We weren’t trained at Bible College to be able to manage a church and think deep into leadership, teams and HR.

It’s been an eye-opening opportunity to have Reach Australia look at how we’re going as a church, to see that there are  many more options than what we could have come up with ourselves.

We identified where things weren’t as strong as we thought they were, but were also affirmed and encouraged that some things were going well as a church. As a result, we were clearer about pushing towards planting.”

– Ben Ho (Senior Pastor of Centenary Evangelical Church, Brisbane)


With support, training and coaching from Reach Australia, Ben’s church and three other churches joined together to plant Centenary Evangelical Church in Brisbane.


Your support can make a difference for senior pastors, men and women in ministry, and their families

Please pray and consider how you would like to partner with these important ministries today.

    • $30 provides a church with personalised data-led recommendations for how they can better love their church and reach their community for Christ.
    • $80 helps produce biblical, faithful and practical free online resources like The One Thing podcast, giving ministers solid, practical tips for gospel ministry.
    • $120 helps support training and coaching for women in ministry so they are able to faithfully lead and serve alongside the men in their teams.
    • $450 covers a senior pastor for a month of coaching, training and support so they can lead their church to be healthier, more evangelistic and multiplying.
    • $750 helps support a church planter couple through an intensive training program so they are ready to launch into beginning a new church together.

Partner with us by praying

Every Wednesday at midday we pray for churches and church leaders around Australia. Join 130+ people in our Whatsapp group getting prayer updates on how God is working powerfully.

Give to support
starting new churches

Help see hundreds of new churches planted across Australia

Give to support
established churches

Grow and equip leaders of
established churches

Give tax deductibly to the Resource Library

Support us as we produce free ministry resources for church leaders

Give to support
regional church pastors

Subsidise regional church pastors to participate in our programs

Give to women in ministry

Support training to enable more valued and joyful female leaders in churches across the country.

General giving via direct debit

If you’d like to give via direct debit to Reach Australia, use the details below to transfer.

Name: Reaching Australia for Christ
BSB: 082514
Account: 162940353
Description: Your first name and surname

Got any questions? Contact us.