
One-to-one intentional conversations that brings the gospel to bear on our relational, personal, missional, and spiritual life.

Intentional coaching relationships are a critical piece in our vision to see theologically driven, spiritually vibrant, evangelistically urgent and practically skilled church leaders.

We’re currently facilitating coaching relationships for 299 church planters, women in leadership, senior pastors and their spouses.

Coaching brings about real change by seeing people on mission and growing in maturity.

We're hugely thankful to God for the coaches who are pouring wisdom and into people in ministry around the country.

Currently, there are around:

  • 127 senior leaders getting coached
  • 23 planters getting coached
  • 70 senior pastors coaching
  • 39 senior pastors training to coach
  • 34 women (women in leadership and spouses of pastors) coaching
  • 41 women being coached
  • 34 women being training to coach

I always dread meeting with my coach because there's homework I've gotta do before I meet with him. But then during and afterwards I'm so, so grateful.

Marcus Reeves
Crossroads Church ACT

It's been incredibly tender in the tight moments and difficult spots of ministry.

Matt Dodd
Victoria Park WPC WA

Most of us struggle with implementation. Having someone who is on my back, someone who I can run ideas past, has been so helpful.

Dave Keun
Kellyville Anglican Church NSW

The process of being pushed and hammered, my buttons pressed, is super helpful. I'm a bit of a stubborn guy. So I just need someone to be stubborn back.

Ben Ho
Centenary Evangelical Church QLD

It's been nice to regularly catch up with someone who has had a bit more experience, to be able to talk about life, someone to be accountable to. We're thinking about how we practically implement things.

Dan Wilton
Crossroads Church ACT

My coach has been really helpful to have someone to make sure you’re thinking about leadership.

Daniel Presland
Riverwood Presbyterian Church NSW

It’s great to have a soundboard where you can say, ‘hey, this is what I’m thinking. What do you reckon?’ And to have feedback.

Linden Fooks
Ann St Presbyterian Church QLD

I know what we’re going to talk about and it leads me to action the things I know that are important but not urgent.

Luke Mcseveny
Geelong West Presbyterian Church VIC

In some sense it's not rocket science. It's just helping you to keep asking the right questions.

Rob Doyle
Lake Mac Church NSW

Here's someone who's willing to wrestle with what I'm currently going through to see an outcome and help me grow as a leader. The regularity has been helpful for accountability.

Simon Nixey
Crossroads Church ACT

How are coaches trained?

It’s a three step process.

Level one training

This is typically done online and is open to anyone. These two half day session are designed to give you an overview of our gospel coaching approach.
In Level 1 you will be learn what gospel coaching is, be introduced to the coaching model and how to use it in a coaching context, and learn key skills needed for any coaching conversation.
Level 1 is for anyone wanting to develop coaching skills in a ministry context. It’s helpful for anyone meeting one to one with staff, apprentices or volunteers to mentor, train or read the Bible.

Level two training

This is the next step on the pathway of becoming a coach within the Reach Australia network
After completing Level 1, people are invited to attend an in person two day workshop where we dig deeper into the different components of the coaching model, learn more skills and familiarise each coach with the necessary professional pieces, such as contracting and confidentiality.
Level 2 is always in person to so we can dig deeper in a more hands on way. We onboard coaches to the goals of coaching across our network.

Level three training

The final step before approval to coach are our online tri-horts where two trainees get the opportunity to apply all the coaching skills they have learnt with each other while being observed by our supervisors.
This critical last chance gives each trainee the ability to demonstrate knowledge and implementation of these skills in a supervised context with practical feedback.
Upon demonstrating appropriate knowledge and skill, each trainee will be approved to coach.

Coaching supervision

Once approved coaches are onboarded to their first coaching relationship, they commit to quarterly supervision and professional development.

Express interest in getting coached

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Got questions?

If you would like to explore the possibility of Reach Australia gospel coaches supporting you, or leaders within your denomination, contact us.

All coaches are accredited with appropriate training,  professional standards are met, and ongoing supervision and professional development is committed to while coaching. All relationships must have coaching agreements with the coach and coachee agree to and sign, that outlines confidentiality,  commitments, the scope of the relationship and agreed yearly goals that give the coaching a framework.

While this depends on the context of each relationship typically a coaching relationship will be 2-3 years with a yearly review.

Each coaching relationship commences with both the coach and coachee having an opportunity to discuss and ensure they are comfortable with the relationship starting.

This rarely happens, but sometimes it’s appropriate for a coaching relationship to finish early for different reasons. We establish with every coach and coachee from the outset that we will be able to walk alongside them if there is an issue.  Communication is critical where we can collaboratively work out whether a change, a cease in coaching or continuing on is the best  way forward. For coaching to be effective both parties need to be committed to and comfortable with the relationship.

Coaching is 100% free for church planters, and is included in the Leadership Development Program’s costs for church pastors. Pricing for unique coaching relationships outside of these are worked out individual.

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