Planting Incubators

A one-year program for Bible college students and graduates. Gather with a planter to discuss senior leadership, future opportunities and challenges in church planting.

We need people to step up to plant churches because we need healthy, evangelistic, multiplying churches across the country.
As a network, we’ve seen the power of walking alongside others who can encourage and spur one another on.
We need the next generation of leaders to have a clear vision of what it looks like to lead gospel-centred ministries.

The Incubator program comes alongside all the good things already happening at Bible Colleges and helps you think about putting theology into practice – what it looks like to be a leader, leading yourself to lead others, and what it looks like to lead an organisation.

If you’re thinking about being a gospel leader you need as much input as you can get. I’m really excited to see what might happen for the people in the program in the future.

Lee Murray
Church planter and Planting Incubator leader

Join Planting Incubators if you are

A male Bible college student or a recent graduate.
Wanting to gain wisdom and insights from church planters.
Open to thinking about potentially planting a church down the line.
Willing to ask the hard questions about what it looks like to reach Australia with the gospel.

People *REALLY* like Planting Incubators

I loved meeting together with people who are interested in sustainable, fruitful, long-term ministry.

Dave Matthews

I wanted to think about church planting, but the busyness of ministry meant it ended up on the back burner. The incubator kept me thinking about planting and led to me actively taking steps to explore planting opportunities.

Tim Bones

A great opportunity to meet with others who have similar convictions of the need for more churches to be planted. It blessed me with enriching friendships and challenged me to consider deeply how I intend to faithfully serve God and reach the lost.

Mitch Dunne

Toby Neal (church planter of Vine Church, Sydney) has been sharing some of his experience, and investing in us. He shows that it’s achievable, it’s doable. It’s not rocket science. It’s just applying the story of Jesus to our contexts.

Marc Safari

Small groups

Four times a year you’ll meet with four to five others in a similar stage to you and led by a church planter. You’ll discuss an aspect of ministry, share what’s going on for you and pray for each other.

Time away

Meet with potential planters in your city to go under the hood with an established church to see how it operates. Learn about what’s working in their context. Reflect, encourage and cast a vision for what’s next.

National Conference

Connect with Incubator participants across the country at Reach Australia’s National Conference in May.

Apply for 2025

Planting Incubators 2025: Expression of Interest

Thanks for expressing interest in the Reach Australia Planting and Leadership Incubators for 2024. This is a rolling 1-year program for Bible college, and post-college students, to connect them with each other, and church planters, throughout the year to help them keep pursuing the ends God has called them to.

In 2024 we're hoping to run Planting Incubators in all capital cities (except Darwin). Fill in the form below and we'll contact you with more details.

Groups will aim to start in March 2025.

Got questions?

A once a term catch up with an experienced planter and a small group of peers, plus an invitation to join us at an ‘Under the Hood’ to see how a more established church operates.

For sure! Content will be different from year to year, so even if you’ve already been part of an incubator before, another year in a group will, God-willing, keep pushing your thinking.

Yes, we have groups for graduates as well! If you would still like to be challenged, encouraged and consider your next steps towards planting, an Incubator is still the right space for you.

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