Ben Ho
Church planter of Centenary Evangelical Church in Brisbane
Phase #1: Understanding the context
This phase is about pulling together the information needed to work out whether you are the right person to plant in this context to reach these people. We'll hear from you about your life and ministry, and dive into the possible plant and who you’re trying to reach. We'll hear from people who can speak about your character, convictions and competencies. This process usually takes 3 months to complete. If you want to dip your toe in the water and get started, head over and do the online Church Planting Questionnaire (about 15 mins) and then we’ll chat.
Phase #2: Assessment interview
Once we’ve gathered the information we’ll need around you and the possible church plant, we’ll organise a sit-down interview with you (and if married, your spouse) and some experienced church planters. This interview will reflect on the information gathered in Phase #1 to help identify a wise path forward for you in relation to planting.
Phase #3: Report and recommendations
Once the interview is complete, we’ll build a report with recommendations for your next steps.
Thomas Kite
“I was very reluctant to do the very long questionnaire. I was quite overwhelmed by how many questions there were. But the forced self-reflection was actually just what I needed.”
“Sometimes you and your circle become a bit of an echo chamber. It’s great to have an outside perspective to press into things and make you think differently.”
“The process felt like a huge amount of trouble and inconvenience to my life, but it helped me be aware of how my weaknesses could affect my family and the church plant.”
“It was so thorough. The things they said I needed to work on were spot on.”
“The questionnaire enabled the assessors to really understand my strengths, weaknesses, temptations and blind spots.”
“Getting assessed is a lot of work. But it’s worth it. The assessors are very sincere and generous in their efforts to understand you.”
“Assessment pushes you to know who you are and what you bring to the table. Then someone pushes back and asks questions. It’s uncomfortable, but helpful.”
“It’s a humbling experience, especially as we thought about the demands church planting places on families. Assessment has helped me understand that I need to invest more into the home.”
“It helps you to examine what’s in your heart and your desires for gospel outreach. It gives you multiple lenses on your own character - your weaknesses and strengths.”
“The process isn’t telling you exactly who you need to be. It’s about using the way God has made you and shaped you, and using those strengths for his kingdom.”
“It’s a rigorous process. There are a lot of heart-searching questions. It can be quite confronting, but it’s done in a pastoral way.”
“The time and effort is costly, especially if you’re already in full-time ministry. But the benefits far outweigh the costs and time that you put into it.”
“Even if you don’t get a green light to go ahead with church planting, the benefits of doing it still outweighs the cost of time. You’ll get clarity on what would be best for you.”
"It gives you an opportunity to self-evaluate. Is this really what I want to do now that I’ve understood more about myself?"
“I learned I needed to focus on team-based ministry. I’m not the kind of person who can just go out on their own. I really love how assessment brought that out.”
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