A podcast for Aussie church leaders & teams.

Listen to great interviews from church leaders across the country, plus get all our talks and seminars from our annual Reach Australia Conference.

Latest Episodes:

Reach Australia Podcast 27.9 Integrating Our Spiritual Walk (Ray Galea) | Talk 2 of 2 | National Conference 2024

When it’s so easy to compartmentalise your life, Psalm 73 gives us a challenge to integrate our spiritual life. Ray Galea takes us through this[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.8 Loving God and Singing (Rob Smith) | Plenary | National Conference 2024

God calls us to sing and sing well. Rob Smith reflects on what God is calling us to do in singing as his people and[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.7 Loving God, Singing and Church (Andrew Heard) | Plenary | National Conference 2024

Andrew Heard begins this section of our conference by reflecting on how our gatherings reflect and encourage people to love God. CREDITS: The Reach Australia[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.6 Loving God with Our Whole Hearts (Ray Galea) | Talk 1 of 2 | National Conference 2024

Jesus commands us to love God with our whole hearts. Ray Galea explores how we are to live this and help others live this too.[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.5 Loving God and the Spiritual Life (Murray Capill) | Plenary | National Conference 2024

Jesus asks Peter, do you love me more than these? And it is a question we need to ask ourselves. Murray Capill dissects the heart[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.4 Loving God and the Spiritual Life (Andrew Heard) | Plenary | National Conference 2024

Reach Australia is seeking to do many things but at the heart of all of them is the glory of Christ. In this short, but[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27. 3 The Joy Set Before Us (Gary Millar) | Talk 3 of 3 | National Conference 2024

Jesus, on the night before he dies, prays that Christians everywhere will be, of all things, unified. This is because, missional effectiveness, the glory of[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.2 For the Good of His People (Gary Millar) | Talk 2 of 3 | National Conference 2024

What does Jesus pray for his people? That we would know the Father, know the Word and be sent into the world. Gary Millar continues[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 27.1 For the Glory of God (Gary Millar) | Talk 1 of 3 | 2024 National Conference

Gary Millar begins to take us through the prayer of John 17. He opens our eyes to the heart of the Son for the Father.[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 26.3 Wresting With Working Hard and Resting Hard for Gospel Workers (Andrew Heard) | Conversations about Growth and Change

Work hard, play hard? Is that what we are supposed to be doing? Andrew Heard has a new book out challenging us to think about[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 26.4 It’s Not About the Five Ms (Andrew Heard) | Conversations about Growth and Change

There has been a myth about Reach Australia that church ministry is about instituting the 5 M structure of church. Andrew goes through what we[...]

Reach Australia Podcast 26.2 Why Working With Numbers and People Is Loving (Andrew Heard) | Conversations about Growth and Change

Numbers! Is it really unloving to count and measure ministry? Andrew Heard has a new book out challenging us to think about how we should[...]