Join Us in Praying for the Reach Australia Network

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people” – 1 Timothy 2:1. God has given us the extraordinary and joyous gift of prayer. Let’s pray for one another as we depend on our Lord in all we do.

There are three ways you can join in praying with us

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Join us on Prayermate for a daily cycle of prayers for the Australian church

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Let’s be a network that prays for one another

We recognise that as a network of churches and church leaders we are on the front lines of God’s kingdom advancement. The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore we need to be alert and praying, in all circumstances. 

God has also given us so much to be thankful for! As we see him work across the country – breathing life into churches and reconciling the lost into a saving relationship – we overflow with praise and thanksgiving. 

Even when it’s hard, in Jesus, we have the greatest reason to be thankful. So we want to be a network that rejoices always, prays continually, and gives thanks in all circumstances.

We love to hear from our churches and partners in the gospel, so if there’s something you would like prayer for, please let us know in the form below.

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