Could you be a gospel worker?

Get insights into your strengths and areas for growth in Christian leadership.

This questionnaire helps you evaluate your strengths and areas for growth in seven areas that are foundational for Christian leadership.

We need healthy, gospel-centred leaders with the character, competencies and convictions to lead God’s people.

Our prayer is that through this process you gain greater clarity about how you can serve God to reach Australia and beyond.

Understand your strengths across seven areas

These areas are: spiritually vibrant, theologically driven, emotionally intelligent, gospel visionary, courageous shepherd, evangelistically urgent and effective overseer.

These key characteristics have been developed and refined over the past 10+ years as we’ve reflected on what the Bible calls Christian leaders to be and do.

Talk through your results

This is a self-assessment survey, not a final judgement! It’s designed to create self-awareness and a conversation with those you’re doing ministry with.

We’ll give you the option of having a 30 minute debrief call to go through your results and help you work out some next steps. Your results are confidential.

Try the Church Planter Questionnaire too

Doing both questionnaires will unveil your areas for growth in gospel work
Take 15 minutes to find out which church planting model might suit you

Understand your ministry style suitability across 11 competencies: DNA carrier, organisationally gifted, mediator, patient strategist, entrepreneur, networker, gatherer, implementer, team player, resilient entrepreneur and change agent.

Got questions?

Anyone thinking about going into ministry, or anyone in ministry who wants to self-assess how they’re going.

We’ll email you and ask you if you’d like a debrief call with someone on the Reach Australia team.

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