Reach Australia's National Conference 2024

We're keen to gather again to dig into God's word, challenge each other to see growth and change in our churches, and pray together for Australia.

It’s going to take more than you and me to reach Australia for Christ.

This conference is for gospel workers and church members. Come join us!


1,000+ church leaders will be gathering from 13-16 May 2024 at EV Church to encourage each other to grow healthy, evangelistic, multiplying churches that courageously seek to reach the lost across Australia.

What's happening










Learning from gospel workers around Australia is one of the highlights of conference. Dive into ministry areas and learn from the wins and mistakes from churches. We've got a great line up in 2024, with more speakers and details continuing to be added.

Don't miss Monday for Foundations/Multiply

Foundations 1 and 2
Get key convictions that underpin how our network thinks about church, growth and change. We cover outcome thinking, healthy church teams and the need for clarity and responsibility. Wrestle with how church leaders need to be regularly challenging the status quo as they seek to reach the lost.

Let’s commit to seeing new things start by unleashing church plants across the country. We’re going to hear about planting opportunities and needs across the country, and dig into good-practice multiplication. It’s a day to connect with planters and churches preparing to plant.

Plenary speakers

Gary Millar

Gary has been the Principal of QTC since the start of 2012 and completed a D.Phil at Oxford on Deuteronomy. He worked as a pastor for 17 years in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Gary was involved in both church revitalisation and church planting before moving to Brisbane to lead the team at QTC.

He is also a co-founder of The Gospel Coalition Australia.

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Ray Galea

After being the Senior Pastor at MBM Rooty Hill in Sydney Australia for 31 years, Ray recently took up the position of Senior Pastor at Fellowship Dubai, a church with over 92 different nationalities in a city of diverse cultures, where East meets West.

Ray has written several books including, “Nothing in my Hand I Bring”, “God is Enough”, “From Here to Eternity”, and soon to be released “Eager to Serve”.

“Our team comes every year. We rent a big house together and have lots of fun. I like it because at Reach you get really good Bible teaching AND it’s very practical. Lots of conferences teach the Bible really well (which of course is very important), but I think what I want to hear is what does that mean for our year as a staff team. With my operations hat on, I really love the practicality.”

Kate Stace (Vine Church)

Portrait of Kate Stace from Vine Church Sydney
Portrait of Peter Ko (South-West Evangelical Church)​

“Iron sharpens iron. If you’re a ministry practitioner, trainee or involved in any form of leadership in church (or want to be), there’s no better place to go where you’re going to have hundreds of others helping to sharpen you, giving you input, feedback and ideas.”

Peter Ko (South-West Evangelical Church)

"My husband and I have benefited greatly from Reach Australia conferences and ministries. We always return home refreshed and empowered to continue serving the gospel in our church plant, after gaining much-needed wisdom from experienced leaders. As a spouse of a church planter, I really enjoy meeting other spouses who can empathise with similar struggles and spur me on with gospel convictions!"

Heidi Tai (Providence Church)

Dave Jensen from EV Church

"Reach Australia conference is an amazing time where we get to be fed by God’s word, encouraged with one another, but also learn crucial, helpful, practical skills. Bring your church, bring your team.”

Dave Jensen (Menai Anglican Church)

“It's a great time to come as your own team as lead pastors and pastors in corporate worship and music particularly. I'd love you to come as we talk about the greatness of our God, and how that impacts our churches and leads to healthy disciples.”

Trevor Hodge (EV Church)

What to look forward to

Rory Shiner teaching the bible on stage at EV Church

Go deeper into God's word as we dive into the glory of God

A large group eating lunch at the Reach Australia National Conference 2023

Meals to share together

A woman presenting at a workshop at Reach Australia National Conference

Practical workshops with church leaders from around the country trying new things

3 church leaders talking and smiling at Reach Australia National Conference

Time together with your church team

A man and a woman talking at Reach Australia National Conference

Meet Reformed, evangelical church leaders across Australia from 12+ denominations

A pastor within a group taking notes at the Reach Australia National Conference

Develop a plan for your ministry


EV Church on NSW's Central Coast: 331 Terrigal Drive Erina 2250

Post on the Facebook event to connect with others about transport and accommodation

Got questions?

Bring key church leaders, paid and unpaid. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get key people in your church fuelled for growth and change. Invite your admin team, communications staff, music directors, parish council members, elders and any church members in key ministry roles.

We have churches of different sizes at the conference, from new churches launching with 30 people to large churches with over 2,500 people regularly gathering, including many churches in regional and remote parts of Australia.

Foundations on the Monday. You’ll get principles and key convictions that drive the network. If you can’t come on Monday, come on Wednesday – but you should try and come for the whole thing.

Try the Reach Australia Framework or Mission ebooks. Last year’s conference content is on Youtube and on the Reach Australia podcast. If you’re coming to Foundations/Multiply you’ll have some fun pre-reading.

We have a program for kids from 0-11 led by volunteers from EV Church for every session apart from in the evenings. You’ll need to care for your kids during meal breaks. Kids come to the conference for free. We want both spouses to be able to engage in the conference material.

The kids program is booked out for 2024 from Tuesday to Thursday. Reach out below to see if Monday spots are available.

Yes. Right now we’re only selling tickets to the full conference. We’ll send an email out when bookings become available for single and part-time attendees.

Nope! Churches and pastors in our network have different opinions about organisational models. Some churches in the network have structured around outcomes and others use a congregational model. We encourage churches to be intentional. Every church needs to reflect on the effectiveness of the model and structures they are using, and we want to encourage churches to make change if it’s helpful.  We’re keen to help facilitate robust conversations about what is most helpful for churches in their contexts – small and large churches, regional churches and city churches.

In 2023, 40% of National Conference attendees were women. Each year at conference we have networking lunches for women in leadership (both paid and unpaid roles) and for wives of pastors. These are a great opportunity to connect with women in similar roles and contexts from different churches and locations across Australia and to encourage each other in gospel ministry.

Within Reach Australia we have a growing Women in Leadership Network for women in key leadership roles in churches across Australia. It’s a network for current and emerging leaders, in both paid and high level volunteer roles – women in ministry, women in ministry support and governance roles. You might want to sign up for our quarterly updates to hear more about the connection, coaching and leadership development opportunities we’re building.

It’s a bit tight – car pooling is appreciated.

Check out the ticketing help page.

❤️ “We heard sobering statistics of how desperately our country needs the saving and hopeful message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were reminded of the power of the life-giving Word of God which is the fountain from which everything else flows from.” – Mikey Tai (Providence Church, Brisbane)
❤️ “There is something incredibly awe-inspiring and thirst-quenching about being in a room with near a thousand pastors/gospel workers/volunteers who love Jesus and and are passionate about evangelising churches into existence. If your church is planning to only attend one conference in 2023, make it this one. – Lisa Truong (South West Evangelical Church, Sydney)
❤️ “I don’t have all the answers, but I love the collaboration and I love being able to say this is what’s worked in our context. Try these ideas. And just sharing as much as we can because you know, that’s the gift of working for God’s one big kingdom.” – Amy Townsend (SMBC student and workshop host)
❤️ Valuable getting away with your team. I’ve brought my staff team over the years and it’s a great time for everyone to be hearing the same ideas so that when we go back to church we’re on the same page and thinking in the same way.” – Gavin Rosser (Lugarno Anglican Church, Sydney)
❤️ “We always have the Reach Australia conference in our calendar for our staff team. It’s fantastic to get away within a network of people who are so convicted at seeing the gospel go out to Australia. Jo Gibbs did a session last year on mobilising the women within our church. It helped us refine how we are recruiting women and seeking to develop their skills within our ministry teams.– Scott Curtis (Hunter Bible Church, Newcastle)

❤️ Some of the best biblical preaching of key gospel truths that you find anywhere. We are reminded of the truths of heaven and hell, of God’s love for his church, of the stakes involved, from a strong biblical foundation.”
– Mike Russell (St George’s Anglican, Magill)

❤️ “The Reach Australia conference is the annual thing that we bring our staff team and our trainees to. We’re so excited to do it again.” – Adam Ch’ng (Cross and Crown, Melbourne)
❤️ “We’re a bit overloaded with external content, but I think the Reach conference is probably right at the top. We’re not going to drop it. I’ve only been to one, but it’s been a helpful enough event that it’ll maintain its priority in the calendar and the whole staff team will be there for a long time to come, if not perpetually.” – Paul Owens (Stromlo Christian Church, Canberra)
❤️ “We gasped again at the gospel – such a mighty hope! We were equipped to keep getting on with the great commission. And we were pointed to our God who’s worthy of all the praise and glory he gets!” – Manning Bible Church team

❤️ “The talks were fantastic last year. Super encouraging. It was like having a humble gut punch in making sure that you’re going into ministry for the right reason.”
– Evan Harris (Church planter, Newcastle)

❤️ “Great for the networking and getting away with your team. Everyone hears the same ideas so we’re on the same page. – Adam Shoenmaker (Oasis Church, Qld)
❤️ “It was so great to connect with other youth ministers and share ideas. It was particularly helpful to think about how to clarify roles for my team leaders to help them work together and thrive!” – Josie Seto (MBM Church, Sydney)
❤️ “I love the teaching, I love the input. Going away with our team to think about what we’re doing and how we can do it better – to be challenged by other people – is always wonderful. I’m really looking forward to it.” – Phil Colgan (St George North Anglican Church, Sydney)
❤️ “Seeing people from all over Australia is so encouraging – so many different people that are on about the same thing.” – Mandy Curly (Christ Church Gladesville, Sydney)
❤️ I love the teaching, the endless informal catch-ups, the chance to meet new people, and the new ideas. One thing I’ve changed about my ministry as a result of coming to Reach is being much more intentional about the ‘pathway’ our church provides people for joining our church. How easy are we to find out about? Once you come, how warmly are you welcomed and followed up? Once you’ve been followed up, how easy is it to become part of church, and then start serving? And so on. Such a simple idea, and yet so profoundly helpful.” – Des Smith (Trinity Church Mile End, Adelaide)
❤️ “I am really looking forward to the conference this year. It’s worth the price of admission just to hear hundreds of people sing the praises of Jesus.– Al Stewart (Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches)

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