The stats don’t make pretty reading.
Churches aren’t growing in Australia. The average church size is no more than 70, and the majority of those attending are over 60. Not many people are being converted. ‘No religion’ is now the largest category of ‘belief’ (at over 30%).
And yet the spiritual needs are enormous, not only in our churches but among the millions of Australians who don’t know Jesus—in fact, who don’t know anything even about Christianity (56% of Australians say they don’t know anything about their local church).
In the face of these challenges, church pastors and ministry teams are working harder than ever, and many of them report feeling stressed and insufficiently trained for the task.
And all of this is the reason for Reach Australia.
We long to see our nation won for Jesus Christ through healthy, evangelistically effective churches. And we believe that, under God, there is no more important step in seeing that happen than to support, coach, train and pray alongside the hard-working pastors and church leaders of Australia.
Our mission is to build a growing network of theologically driven, spiritually vibrant, evangelistically urgent and practically skilled church leaders.
We don’t pretend to offer a one-size-fits-all solution, or think we have all the answers. But we’re convinced that together we can make real progress.
That’s Reach Australia: vital leaders growing thriving churches.