The One Thing Episode #31 – Small scale music

If Sundays are a key place where non-Christians come for the first time to experience Christian community, and Sundays are meant to be a time for Christians to enjoy singing the truths of the Gospel together, h...
  • November 23, 2023

If Sundays are a key place where non-Christians come for the first time to experience Christian community, and Sundays are meant to be a time for Christians to enjoy singing the truths of the Gospel together, how do you build a healthy, engaging, music ministry from a small pool of people that isn’t cringeworthy. In short, how do you handle music on the small scale?

Derek and Scott talk to gifted Christian musician and Magnification Pastor Trevor Hodge to find out the shortcuts to great worship music.

The Establishing a Music Ministry in Your Church Plant webinar with Phil Percival from Emu Music, at Geneva Push Resources
Trevor Hodge’s Magnify Network 
Then Sings My Soul, by Phil Percival
Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God, by Bob Kauflin
Worship by the Book, by Don Carson
Songs of the Saints: Enriching our singing by learning from the songs of scripture, by Mike Raiter and Rob Smith

Author: Derek Hanna, Scott Sanders, Trevor Hodge

Reach Australia is a network of churches and ministry leaders all coming together for the sake of the gospel - we love being a network that works together and shares free resources. We long to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches all across Australia.

More by Derek Hanna, Scott Sanders, Trevor Hodge

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