The One Thing Episode 176 – 7 Things About Inputs and Outputs For Church

Does your church measure outputs? Do you have clarity on your inputs? Greg Lee digs deep on setting and re-assessing inputs and outputs in churches. 

  • November 19, 2023

Does your church measure outputs? Do you have clarity on your inputs? Greg Lee digs deep on setting and re-assessing inputs and outputs in churches.

1. You have to ESTABLISH them first.
2. You have to have tested your INPUTS so that you are convinced that they will achieve your outcomes.
3. You need to make sure the person has been FAITHFUL in executing the inputs.
4. You have to MEASURE DATA regularly so that you can face the facts.
5. You have to ASSESS WHY inputs have or have not achieved the outcome.
6. You need to RESET the OUTCOME and/or the INPUTS.
7. You need to establish the NEXT STEP and the REVIEW POINT.

Reach Australia podcast episode 5.4: Measuring Outcomes in your church ecosystem (with Greg)

TOT Episode 164: Measure What Matters (with Derek)

Article: Outcomes: The Key To Growth

Author: Greg Lee, Scott Sanders

Reach Australia is a network of churches and ministry leaders all coming together for the sake of the gospel - we love being a network that works together and shares free resources. We long to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches all across Australia.

More by Greg Lee, Scott Sanders

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