The One Thing Episode 146 – New: Church Planter Assessment Tool

The Church Planter Assessment Tool is a new tool Geneva Push created to provide clear feedback on your suitability for ministry & your strengths. The CPAT assessment is broken into 2 categories:
  1. Knowing your strengths
  2. Understanding your ministry style suitability
Knowing your strengths assesses you on 7 core competencies, including spiritual vibrancy, theological drive, emotional intelligence, gospel vision, courageous shepherding, evangelistic urgency and effective overseeing. We also help you understand your ministry style suitability across 11 competencies. These include DNA Carrier, organisationally gifted, mediator, patient strategist, entrepreneur, networker, gatherer, implementer, team player, resilient entrepreneur and change agent. Derek and Maddy are happy to walk you through your report after you take the test.


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