The One Thing Episode 143 – Church Staffing For 2021

Key church staffing questions for 2021: Has COVID given us greater clarity about our mission? What do we need / not need? What were doing that we don’t need to do anymore? How does that shape staffing? Where is the church growing?  How do we staff to that? What new skills have your staff discovered/grown in?  How are you growing them? Where do we want to be in 5 years?  Reverse engineer your staffing from there. What are the impact of finances in 2021 for staff pay?  How do you manage that process? Derek Hanna and Scott Sanders discuss on The One Thing Podcast.


6 questions:
  • Has COVID given us greater clarity about our mission? I.e. what do we need / not need?
  • What were doing that we don’t need to do anymore? How does that shape staffing?
  • Where is the church growing?  How do we staff to that?
  • What new skills have your staff discovered / grown in?  How are you growing them?
  • Where do we want to be in 5 years?  Reverse engineer your staffing from there.
  • What are the impact of finances in 2021 for staff pay?  How do you manage that process?

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