Recently, we talked with Rory from 10 of those which are books to give away. Glen Scrivener is an author of one of those books, Love Story. Unlike tracts, books are not something that people tend to throw away. This is a great book to give away.

  • All stories point to the gospel, especially the importance of resolving the story and there is truth in myth
  • This is a book for your neighbour, for the people who believe in justice and love, so basically everyone
  • Books are great technology to get peoples minds to focus on things for a while that is outside of our society
  • The importance of talking about the trinity and the Old Testament when explaining the gospel to people. It needs to be explained understandably, not simplistically
  • Changes in the gospel work in the UK and Australia


10 of Those Episode

Love Story from the Wandering Bookseller

10 of Those Website (UK)