On Leadership is a super-series produced by Reach Australia on key leadership skills for the pastor or ministry worker. Each episode Craig Hamilton, author of Wisdom In Leadership helps us dig into some key leadership principles for your ministry team. This episode digs into identifying your strengths and weaknesses in leadership.
Wisdom in Leadership, Play to your strengths (pages99-105).
Reflect on the following self-leadership questions (from Wisdom in Leadership, pages 89-90):
1. Is my character submitted to Christ?
2. Is my commitment solid?
3. Is my vision clear?
4. Is my passion hot?
5. Is my pride subdued?
6. Are my fears in their place?
7. Is my own personal baggage in check?
8. Is my pace sustainable?
9. Is my zeal to serve developing?
10. Is my heart for God increasing?
11. Is my capacity for loving people deepening?
12. Am I playing to my strengths?
13. Am I still learning?
14. Does my family recognise me?
Bradbury – Emotional Intelligence 2.0.