Foundations & Multiply at National Conference 2024

Foundations 1 and 2
Get key convictions that underpin how our network thinks about church, growth and change.

Let’s commit to seeing new things start by unleashing church plants across the country.

Find out more

Foundations 1

Convictions for Growth and Change In Your Church

Foundations 2

Achieving Clarity In Your Church


Key questions and challenges for mission heat and multiplication

Foundations 1

Convictions for Growth and Change in Your Church

With Andrew Heard and Jo Gibbs
If you’ve never been to Foundations before, start here. Get key convictions that underpin how our network thinks about church, growth and change. We cover outcome thinking, healthy church teams and the need for clarity and responsibility. Wrestle with how church leaders need to be regularly challenging the status quo as they seek to reach the lost.

  • Why passion for numerical growth is dangerous but necessary, and how it brings focus, courage and decision-making power Church as a pathway and ecosystem
  • A rethink of the roles and responsibilities of church leaders
  • Five key ministry principles that lie behind pretty much everything at the conference

Foundations 2

Achieving Clarity in Your Church

With Peter Blanch, Mike Sams, Dan Ford and Grahame Fuller
This stream is for people who have done the first stream in a previous year. Foundations 1 focuses on ‘why’ and Foundations 2 focuses on ‘how’.

  • Clarity on your impact on church as a leader
  • Leaders as an impediment to lasting and effective change
  • What happens when we don’t challenge the status quo
  • Taking and giving responsibility
  • Building a healthy team culture
  • Recruiting, developing and managing leaders
  • Implementing change for growth using the NOW-WHERE-HOW framework
  • Case studies with a church as they’ve implemented change


Church Planting, Multisites and Launching New Congregations

This is a new day to dig deeply into equipping, inspiring and unleashing church plants across the country that reach new people.
Hear in detail about the challenges, opportunities and needs across the country, learn and discuss about good-practice planting and multiplication across the country.
Connect with planters, potential planters and those preparing their churches to plant and reach new people.

  • Becoming a church planting church
  • Revitalising & repotting
  • The mistakes church planters have made
  • The first few years of planting

“The Monday of National Conference is excellent. You get key biblical foundations that frame the rest of the conference. It's practical and will have a lasting impact on the way you think about ministry. Wrestle together with the content with your whole church team. If you you have to pick one day to come to National Conference, make it this one.”

What's happening

Got questions?

Definitely, it’s the one day we recommend people don’t miss. If you’re bringing new people along, this is the best day for them. If you haven’t come to Foundations for a number of yours, it’d be good to come back and get a refresher.
If you’ve only come to Foundations 1 previously, don’t miss Foundations 2. Foundations 1 covers ‘why’ and Foundations 2 covers ‘how’.

We want to equip churches of all sizes. Some of the workshops will be run by leaders of small churches.

It’d be ideal to stick together if possible. There will be breakout times where you’ll discuss topics in small groups. It’s a great opportunity to wrestle with the content as a staff team and think about how it applies to your context.

Yes, if you have to!

The conference is designed for paid and unpaid church members.

Yes, the Monday is a key day so we’ve got you covered.