Your ‘leadership pipeline’ is the structure that helps produce a continuous flow of gospel-centered leaders who will serve the local church and be sent into the mission field.
We are finding that churches that pay attention to some key principles in leadership pipeline development are seeing more healthy leaders made, increased support from layers of leadership, and flourishing teams focused on making mature disciples in increasing numbers.
Can I do the questionnaire if I haven’t read the ebook?
Yes! Although you might also want to read the ebook after to explore the leadership pipeline more. The questionnaire results will also help you to know which parts of the ebook can help with different areas of focus.
Who should fill out this questionnaire?
Ideally someone on the staff team at a church, or in the senior leadership team. Some of the questions may be tricky to answer if you don’t have a good sense of what’s going on across your whole church.
What if I want to explore this further?
We are hoping to have some webinars later in 2024 to explore leadership pipelines some more with people who would like to join. If you do the questionnaire we will keep you in the loop with more details.