Peter Ko is on his second church plant and has discovered three common blessings for church planters.

He writes one month in at Bankstown City Church highlighting the team reaching out, the people being reached and our God at work through prayer.


How have we seen God at work in Bankstown City Church?

1. The team… What an incredible launch team and bunch of core leaders. These brothers and sisters have given 110% in the last couple of months. They’ve never served begrudgingly. They’ve always been on hand to do whatever needed to be done. And they’e still going. This isn’t natural. This is supernatural. A work of God’ grace.

2. The people… We’ve seen some people come along to BCC who’ve been out of church for ages. We’ve had unbelievers invited to come along. We’ve had one person give their life to Jesus straight after a service (already!). We’ve seen people willing to give up Sunday afternoons and weeknights to be part of what we’e doing. This is a work of God’ grace.

3. The prayers… We’ve witnessed how, from day one, prayer is mighty. We’ve seen outpourings of spontaneous prayer when things haven’t gone the way we’ve expected. We’ve banded in prayer when team members have expressed great times of need and stress. We’ve benefited from the prayers of our sister congregations at SWCCC and ACTS 11. We’ve used response time in our services to have special prayers prayed for those among us who have specific needs. An overflow of prayer and praise is always evidence of God’ grace.

Read Peter Ko’ church planting experience here