Give to support Reach Australia


Your giving directly impacts our work: in supporting new churches to start, growing leaders of established churches, and providing ministry resources across our country.

Your giving enables us to Reach Australia with the gospel. We need your support in prayer and finances. We’d love to share our Impact Report with you, so you can see the difference your generosity can make. We’re so thankful to God for the faithful and generous supporters, like you, who partner with us to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic, multiplying churches across Australia. If you’ve got questions about giving, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Choose where your giving goes:

Give to support starting new churches

Help see hundreds of new churches planted across Australia.

Give to support established churches

Partner with us to grow & equip leaders of established churches.

Give tax deductibly to the resource library

Support us as we produce free ministry resources for church leaders.

Give to support regional church pastors

Help support regional church pastors participate in our programs.

General giving via Direct Debit

If you’d instead like to give through Direct Debit to Reach Australia, you can use the below details to transfer money to our account:

Name: Reaching Australia For Christ
BSB: 082514
Account: 162940353

Got any questions? Contact Us