Give to Reach Australia

You're helping local churches reach their communities with the gospel

Your support can make a difference for senior pastors, men and women in ministry, and their families

We all need to have an Australia-wide vision. That means we need you to be giving, praying and courageously sharing the gospel.

  • $60 helps provide a church with personalised data-led recommendations for how to better reach their community for Christ.
  • $120 helps fund coaching, training and support for a senior pastor so they can lead their church to grow.
  • $500 provides training and coaching for women, so that more women are equipped to step up into ministry.
  • $1,500 covers a couple for a church planting bootcamp to equip them to launch a healthy and sustainable church.
  • $5,500 covers a year of faithful and practical skills training, coaching and support for a senior pastor so he can better lead his church to be healthy, evangelistic and multiplying.

Any amount you give helps support churches and gospel workers around the country reach more people for Christ.

You can be a partner in this gospel vision today by giving towards equipping churches just like yours across our country. Will you give now to help churches reach their local community for Christ?


Give to help reach
Australia for Christ

Our country urgently needs the gospel

Do you want to see your friends, family and community in a living relationship with Jesus? This is our urgent passion. But at present we are not seeing enough progress made.


Church pastors and ministry teams are working harder than ever. But one in two Australians still don’t know anything about their local church.


The consistent message we get from church leaders is that they love their churches but feel stressed and insufficiently trained for the task.

It’s a team effort and we need your support. If you want to find out more about the impact your generosity can have, we’d love to share our Impact Report with you.

Your donation today helps gospel workers around the country be trained and supported so more churches are healthy, evangelistic and multiplying, and more people are saved.

Who is Reach Australia?

The Reach Australia network exists to enable churches and ministers to come together to plant new churches and equip gospel workers to lead healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches.

Over the last 12 years we’ve helped plant over 120 churches and developed hundreds of leaders, but we’re just scratching the surface of what needs to be done.

By 2030, we want to support the planting of 200 more churches. And we want to train another 750 church leaders so we see local churches thrive.

Partner with us by praying

Every Wednesday at midday we pray for churches and church leaders around Australia. Join 160+ people in our Whatsapp group getting prayer updates on how God is working powerfully.

Give to help reach
Australia for Christ