Network Learnings

12 years … 114 churches … what are we learning?

Over the past 12 years, what started as Geneva Push – a church planting network looking to see hundreds of churches evangelised into existence – has expanded to be Reach Australia, serving both church plants and the established church and looking to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic, multiplying churches across Australia.

During this time, as a network, we’ve learnt a lot. Some of those lessons have been difficult, some have been a joy, but all have helped us sharpen and reinforce our conviction that healthy, evangelistic, multiplying local churches are the key to reaching Australia with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And so having seen 114 churches launched throughout the network, we wanted to pause and reflect on what was working, what needs attention moving forward and at every point give thanks for the amazing work God has done in drawing people to himself through all these churches.

Read the full article here

Network Learnings

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