Music and Services for Small Gatherings (<60)

God has given us everything we need to hear from and respond to him, but sometimes it can feel like our small churches lack what’s necessary to put together an effective and engaging church service. From less-than-ideal meeting spaces to out-of-tune singers, how do we best use the resources we have for our songs and services? At this seminar, will think about how to motivate and train a small team, including the practicalities of music, technology, and the building/meeting space. Bring your questions and wisdom, and come along to learn together.


Liv Chapman

As a singer, songwriter, and staff member of Emu, Liv spends most of her time managing the Emu training events and supporting our partners. She is the Director of Sunday Gatherings at Vine Church Surry Hills. She studied English and Ancient History at USYD and Theology at Moore Theological College.

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Philip Percival

Philip heads up the day-to-day operations of Emu Music International as well as leading, teaching, playing and training at their many events. He is the Music Minister at St Thomas' North Sydney and has recently completed a PhD in biblical worship, having finished his master's at Oxford. He is the author of Then Sings My Soul and a songwriter for Emu's albums.