Cultivating A Prayer Life Both Personally and Corporately

We all believe prayer is important to the Christian life and to the life of the church. But often we struggle. Our lives and our churches can easily end up prayerless. So how can we grow as ministry workers who pray? And how can we grow our churches to be communities of prayer?


Karl Deenick

Sydney Missionary & Bible College, Acting Director of the Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry; Community and Student Care Coordinator; Lecturer in Theology and Preaching Karl studied electrical and telecommunications engineering at the University of Sydney (1997–2001) before working for the Department of Defence. He then studied for pastoral ministry at RTC. From 2011 to 2022 he served as the Senior Pastor of The Branch Church in Launceston (FIEC). While serving as a pastor, Karl also completed his PhD on circumcision, a surprisingly understudied topic, and also taught as a guest lecturer in theology for RTC in Melbourne (2017–2022).