The One Thing Podcast

Welcome to The One Thing – a podcast designed to give you one solid, practical tip for Gospel-centred ministry, every week. Scott Sanders is the Executive Director of Reach Australia, aiming to grow thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches. Derek Hanna leads the Australian church planting network that’s been starting fresh works for the Kingdom for the past 10 years. Together they’ll tell you what you need to know about a crucial ministry topic that’s relevant to your context – all in 15 minutes. Be energised and equipped for ministry.

Latest Episodes:

The One Thing Episode #54 – Growth barriers

As churches grow, they need to change the way they do things, or give up growing.[...]

The One Thing Episode #53 – Mobilising the Denomination for Mission

J.D. Greear is the president of the largest denomination in the US – the Southern Baptists. Its decline has been widely reported in the media,[...]

The One Thing Episode #52 – The Sending Church

How do you become a sending church? J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. He’s leading Summit towards a[...]

The One Thing Episode #51 – Corporate Prayer

How do you pray together as the body of Christ, in a way that informs and uplifts without excluding or confusing?[...]

The One Thing Episode #50 – The Word One To One

What’s the best way to bring someone within earshot of the Gospel if they’re not interested in darkening a church door?[...]

The One Thing Episode #49 – Small Group Essentials – The BONUS edition!

Following on from Episode #48, Derek and Scott return to talk to Robby, for more discipleship insights from the author of Growing Up: How to[...]

The One Thing Episode #48 – Small Group Essentials

Pastor Robby Gallaty is an American church leader who is driving a revolution in the way we think about small groups.[...]

The One Thing Episode #47 – Effective integration

How much time do you spend thinking about the outsider, and their experience of your ministry? What are you doing to remove the ‘road blocks’[...]

The One Thing Episode #46 – Starting a second service

Your church is growing and you think it’s time to start a second service. But is it as simple as photocopying what you have?[...]

The One Thing Episode #45 – Creating space for failure

Is it OK to fail? It certainly needs to be, because failure is a common experience for anyone in a faulted world. So how do[...]

The One Thing Episode #44 – Finances 101

Does being across a church’s finances mean doing it all yourself? And how do you know if things are going wrong, if you don’t know[...]

The One Thing Episode #43 – Religion in 2019

What will faith in Australia look like in 2019? Join Derek and Scott as they tackle the demography of belief with trends expert and social[...]