The One Thing Podcast

Welcome to The One Thing – a podcast designed to give you one solid, practical tip for Gospel-centred ministry, every week. Scott Sanders is the Executive Director of Reach Australia, aiming to grow thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches. Derek Hanna leads the Australian church planting network that’s been starting fresh works for the Kingdom for the past 10 years. Together they’ll tell you what you need to know about a crucial ministry topic that’s relevant to your context – all in 15 minutes. Be energised and equipped for ministry.

Latest Episodes:

The One Thing Episode #77 – Gospel resilience

Derek caught up with Richard Coekin while he was visiting Sydney on a series of speaking engagements to ask him about what he would say[...]

The One Thing Episode #76 – Casting a bigger vision

It’s harder to get a bigger vision for ministry than what we might find in Matthew 28, Colossians 1 or Ephesians 1 – the ministry[...]

The One Thing Episode #75 – Creating a beachhead for planting

You’re part of a church that has a vision to plant another church. But the place you have in mind is possibly too far away[...]

The One Thing Episode #74 – Beating burnout

Being stressed out can actually help a ministry; being burnt out can be fatal. Being able to tell the difference is essential.[...]

The One Thing Episode #73 – What women want preachers to know

Women make up statistically more than half of the people in any Australian congregation, but so often male preachers end up preaching to themselves. What[...]

The One Thing Episode #72 – The joys and challenges of running a campus

There are many ways to plant a church out of your existing church – parachute, team, mother-daughter and of course the campus plant. But like[...]

The One Thing Episode #71 – Handing off ministries

Handing over ministries is a skill – being aware of your own feelings so that you’re able to loosen your grip and effectively enable someone[...]

The One Thing Episode #70 – Knowing when to say goodbye

There’s a natural lifespan to every human endeavour, and all things come to an end, especially in ministry. How do you prevent yourself so identifying[...]

The One Thing Episode #69 – Growth Barriers 200

Derek Hanna and Scott Sanders move into their fourth episode of their first in-depth TOT collection: Growth barriers.[...]

The One Thing Episode #68 – Growth Barriers 125

Derek and Scott talk to Rory Shiner from Providence Church in Perth, Western Australia. Rory has taken two churches through the ’125 barrier’ and he[...]

The One Thing Episode #67 – Growth Barriers 75

Derek Hanna and Scott Sanders move into their second episode of their first in-depth TOT collection: Growth barriers. Practically speaking, what are the key barriers[...]

The One Thing Episode #66 – Growth Barriers 35

Assembling a list of helpful insights, tips and resources for breaking through the ‘35 Growth Barrier’, Scott and Derek talk to Aaron Boyd, the pastor[...]