The One Thing 354 Making Your Church Accessible to People With Disabilities (Louise Gosbell)

Adjusting churches for including people may not be as expensive as you might think, in fact it is not merely about the building. Disability comes with age, so we are all facing it at some point! Louise Gosbell ...
  • August 7, 2024

Adjusting churches for including people may not be as expensive as you might think, in fact it is not merely about the building. Disability comes with age, so we are all facing it at some point!

Louise Gosbell has spent a lot of time thinking about disability and ministry.

  • Making a building accessible – where it happens in the Bible
  • Why ministry to people with disabilities is so much more than just accessibility
  • What you need to know about recent overhauls to the discrimination act
  • What is a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) and why do churches need one?
  • Community as an important part of the life of people with disabilities
  • Social stories explain what is going to happen to help people prepare for church
  • A Community Audit is where the church asks questions about how helpful the community is for including people
  • Why your church might need an access audit to work out how physically accessible the building is


Everyone Welcome: Accessible church for All Louise’s ebook.

Royal Commission Report into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability


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Author: Louise Gosbell, Peter Blanch

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