Pete Hughes

Other resources from Pete Hughes

366 Helping Kids Transition to Youth (Chris Jones and Annemarie Rivers)

366 Helping Kids Transition to Youth (Chris Jones and Annemarie Rivers)

How do we help kids adjust to all the changes of moving to high school? Kids are going through a…
The One Thing 365 Looking after the Mental Wellbeing of Others (Keith and Sarah Condie)

The One Thing 365 Looking after the Mental Wellbeing of Others (Keith and Sarah Condie)

The gospel reminds us that we are sinners, but also broken and fragile people. As people come to church they come…
Looking after Our Mental Wellbeing as Gospel Workers | The One Thing Podcast 364

Looking after Our Mental Wellbeing as Gospel Workers | The One Thing Podcast 364

One in five people in Australia are dealing with a mental health issue at any given moment, and gospel workers…
How to Read the Bible Well in Church | The One Thing Podcast 361

How to Read the Bible Well in Church | The One Thing Podcast 361

Public bible reading is something people often take for granted. But hearing God speak to our community is the highlight of…
What Makes a Good Gospel Presentation?

What Makes a Good Gospel Presentation?

We want to make sure that a gospel presentation is accurate and effective, so what makes for a good gospel…
Immersing Ourselves in God’s Love

Immersing Ourselves in God’s Love

To have healthy, effective churches we need to have healthy, effective gospel workers. Healthy gospel workers know they are loved…
The One Thing 348 A Love Story to Give Away (Glen Scrivener)

The One Thing 348 A Love Story to Give Away (Glen Scrivener)

Recently, we talked with Rory from 10 of those which are books to give away. Glen Scrivener is an author…
Tools to Help You Plan to Plan

Tools to Help You Plan to Plan

The man who fails to plan is the man who plans to fail, as they say. The irony of planning…
The One Thing 338 Enhancing Your Team's Success With Rhythms of Feedback

The One Thing 338 Enhancing Your Team's Success With Rhythms of Feedback

Feedback needs to be something that is a regular thing, but it also needs some formal rhythms of review. Importance…
The One Thing 337 How to Receive Feedback as a Gospel Worker

The One Thing 337 How to Receive Feedback as a Gospel Worker

It's one thing getting feedback, but what about receiving and looking for feedback. We continue our series on feedback. In…
The One Thing 326 Under the Hood with Southside Presbyterian Church

The One Thing 326 Under the Hood with Southside Presbyterian Church

Southside Presbyterian Church grew from 100 to 300 people over three years, but interestingly, the pastors decided that they didn't…
The One Thing 325 Under the Hood with Captivate Presbyterian Church

The One Thing 325 Under the Hood with Captivate Presbyterian Church

Alan Au became the Senior Pastor at Captivate Presbyterian Church in North Ryde, Sydney when it was a church in…
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