What’s been your journey into ministry?
I went to Bible college as a new convert three years after becoming a Christian. I was really hungry to understand the Bible and learn how to share my faith. I didn’t go to college intending to work in ministry, but I was asked to join my church’s team. I’ve now been on staff at Menai for 12 years.
What’s been happening at church lately?
We’ve seen over 100 people over the past four years come to know Jesus through our church. It’s really exciting! We have been running numerous discipleship courses over the years and this year we have been doing a five week ‘Discover’ course. This year we had 50 people attend and 15 of them became Christians. Some people are moving into the area looking for a church, others are coming back to church after not attending for a long time. Some just want to know what the Christian faith is about.
What’s one challenge you and your team is wrestling with this year?
Our church is growing quickly – our numbers are increasing at all our services. With growth comes excitement and challenge because you need to be open to change. I find it a bit scary and unsettling, but God’s our father in heaven, he’ll equip us. We need to work together as a staff team. At the moment we’re working through how to use our church site better. Do we need to add another service? Should we church plant somewhere else? We don’t want to stifle this growth that God is giving us.

What’s something you’re thinking through theologically?
The Lord has commanded us to see maturity in believers (Colossians 1:28). We admonish and teach everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. And that’s my role at church. I keep thinking about how I’m enabling teams to keep growing and keep reaching others, so that we can see maturity in believers.
What would you like to say to women wondering if they should go into ministry?
Firstly, pray and ask mature believers who serve alongside you what they think. If you have a passion for the lost, go into ministry. If you want to see God’s church grow, go into ministry. We need theologically trained women who love the Word. You’re very much needed on a team. The church is made up of men and women, so why not have that reflected on staff teams? We have so many gifts we can bring to the church community, which is so important. Get theologically trained and see how God uses you. That’s what I did!