Partner with us to equip ministry leaders

As a network, we love bringing people together to share their biblical wisdom and insights from across the country.
We produce a number of podcasts (The One Thing, The Reach Australia podcast, Church Planting Australia), and generate ebooks and articles which we share freely. These make up the resource library.

Will you give a tax-deductible gift today to equip gospel workers to reach more people for Christ?

Will you partner financially to produce biblical and practical ministry resources?

Your tax-deductible gift will help produce resources to equip gospel workers to reach more people for Christ. 

The One Thing podcast, the Reach Australia Podcast, the Church Planting Australia podcast and all our ebooks and articles are free for everyone to use and share because we want to see transformative change across the Australian church. It’s only possible because God works through his people to provide, generous people like you. We hear from pastors around the country the difference it makes for them in their ministry and how it has enabled them to see greater maturity and more people coming to know Jesus in their church. 

Will you give today to share resources to equip gospel workers to reach more people for Christ? 

Your support can make a difference for churches around the country

Please pray and consider how you would like to partner with these important ministries today.


Helps fund research to ensure the resources are informed and practical for ministry leaders to use and trust.


Contributes towards the next podcast or article to help church leaders wrestle with relevant topics from a biblical and practical perspective.


Contributes towards improved technology (like sound and lighting equipment and software) to improve the accessibility of podcasts and videos for those who need it.


Helps to cover the costs of bringing in speakers and subject experts to keep the resources relevant, diverse and cutting-edge.


Covers the full cost of a long-form article that celebrates what churches are doing for the gospel around the country and diving deep into a specific ministry issue


Covers the cost of a full podcast from research through to production and launch. Please help us keep these free for everyone to use.

Your partnership is essential

The Online Resource Library helps ministry leaders think biblically, faithfully and practically to grow disciples. The biblical teaching and tips given through the library equip leaders so they can build churches up in love for God and one another.

What’s so special about Reach Australia’s resources? 

  1. Everything is completely free and shareable so pastors and church leaders can access as they need and can and share to help others.

  2. The resources gather and share insights from church leaders from different denominations and contexts for the mutual growing up of the Australian church into godly maturity.

  3. It’s all Australian, so it doesn’t need as much re-contextualising (as many US- or UK-based resources do).

  4. They’re biblical, practical and timely so they speak into relevant needs as they arise in the Australian church.

The Resource Library is created, shaped and funded by people like you.

We want you to take the content and test it out in your church. But we also need you to get involved and give back too.
We need you to be listening, sharing, praying, giving feedback and donating.
The goal is not more listeners or better resources. The goal is to equip ministry leaders to reach more people for Jesus. It’s to help us make mature disciples of Jesus Christ in ever increasing number.

We want it to be free and accessible for everyone. Will you partner with us today by giving?

The One Thing podcast is our most consumed resource with over 320,000 unique listens.
The Online Resource Library has global impact with ministry leaders tuning in from around the world.
It takes up to eight hours to produce one podcast episode.

General giving via direct debit

If you’d like to give via direct debit to Reach Australia, use the details provided to transfer.
Name: Reaching Australia for Christ
BSB: 082514
Account: 162940353
Description: Your first name and surname – Online Resource Library

Got any questions? Contact us.

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