Immersing Ourselves in God’s Love

To have healthy, effective churches we need to have healthy, effective gospel workers. Healthy gospel workers know they are loved by God and love God. I would love to say this is what actually happens, but real...
  • August 7, 2024

To have healthy, effective churches we need to have healthy, effective gospel workers. Healthy gospel workers know they are loved by God and love God. I would love to say this is what actually happens, but really we find ourselves loving ministry, preaching, people, organisations, almost anything more than God himself. 

This was the focus of our national conference, and there are more resources coming from the conference, but I wanted to make sure you had the resources to keep loving God.

 A lot of the talks, plenaries and workshops will be available online soon. But we also have some resources that you might have missed. Here is a few episodes from the The One Thing we recorded at the conference to capture the vibe of how people were feeling about being inspired by God’s love:

Gary Millar on John 17

I don’t think I have actually heard anyone preach through John 17 before. It’s just one of those passages that people tend to skip over in order to get to the events of the cross. But Gary Millar brought out the heart of Jesus as we see him communing with his Father in the shadow of the cross. These are awesome talks.


Singing, Music and More Online

One of the highlights of the conference was the singing (I know, not what you expect from an evangelical conference in Australia, right?). Do you know that a lot of the songs from our conferences end up on our own music channels?  Watch for more to come.

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State of the Nation in Church Planting

If you love God, you will love what he is doing. It’s not really that complicated. What he is doing is drawing people to himself and as a result we need to plant more churches.

This is a short “State of the Nation” presentation from Derek Hanna looking at what God is doing in our country and what we need to do in response to plant more churches.

Author: Pete Hughes

Reach Australia is a network of churches and ministry leaders all coming together for the sake of the gospel - we love being a network that works together and shares free resources. We long to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic and multiplying churches all across Australia.

More by Pete Hughes

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